
Contents of Your Directory

Departmental Pages

Above is an example of the contents of your directory. Below is a description of each. Please check out the left navigation for more specific topics related to creating your page.

1. Navigation - The nav.inc file is the navigation file you can edit to change the left navigation on your page if your page is set to "No, use directory settings" or "Yes, always use local '_nav.inc" in the section properties.  You can edit links on the navigation, add additional links to the navigation, or delete links from the navigation in this file.

2. Section Properties - Section properties (props.pcf) allows you to edit the section breadcrumbs, address title, address, phone number, and email that are displayed on your page.

3. Images - This folder is where you store all images that will be used on your site. You must upload the images here before they can be inserted on your pages.

4. Index - The index is the main or home page for your site which is initially created when your department or organization's folder is created. Do not change the name of this file.

5. Resources - This folder is where you store all documents that will be used on your site. Just like images, you must upload the documents here before they can be inserted on your pages.