
Career Trek

career trek 2024

Hey Scholar, sign up today!

Welcome to the Career Trek, a professional development trip for Second Year Scholars in the Transformational Leadership Program (TLP). Join us for our 2024 trip to the ATL where you'll meet with business leaders in various fields and tour their organizations so that you can put your professional skills into practice. Hotels, travel, and meals are paid for by the university - there is no cost to you. You might even come home with a new career connection or internship opportunity!


Interested in attending the 2024 Career Trek? . You must be signed in to your web browser with your JagMail account to complete the form.

Get excited for the next Trek!


Meet your Career Trek advocate!

cassie beth gannaway

The SYE Experiential Learning Coordinator is your go-to for anything Career Trek related. If you have any questions, contact Cassie Beth at cbgannaway@southalabama.edu.


Frequently Asked Questions

â–¼   When is the next Career Trek?
The 2024 Career Trek will take place from March 5 - 7 (Tuesday through Thursday) on Spring Break and will be a trip to Atlanta, GA. We will leave campus on Tuesday morning and return to campus on Thursday evening.
â–¼   What are the details of the Trek?
We are still working on developing the 2024 Career Trek itinerary, including our business visits. If you have completed the interest form, you will be notified once we have finalized the details of the trip. Otherwise, you can check this page for updates.
â–¼   Am I eligible go on the Trek?
The Career Trek is available to all Second Year Experience (SYE) Scholars who are currently enrolled in the Transformational Leadership Program (TLP) course on 69Ìþ«Æ·Online. To attend the trip, you must have earned your Crafting Your Paw Print and Sharpening Your Claws badges in the TLP canvas course. If you have a question about whether or not you are eligible, contact Robby Pearson at pearson@southalabama.edu.
â–¼   How can I sign up to go on the Trek?

To begin your Career Trek journey, you should complete the . You must be signed in to your web browser with your JagMail account to complete the form.

After you complete the form, we will let you know what other requirements you need to complete in order to secure your spot on the trip. Requirements to participate in the Career Trek may include:

  • Completion of a Career Trek Confirmation form to verify your attendance
  • Liability and travel forms
  • Attendance to a Career Trek orientation
  • Completion of the following badges in the Transformational Leadership Program Canvas course:
    • The Crafting Your Paw Print badge, which entails:
      • Creating your personal mission statement
      • Completing the SMART Goals activity (this can be done at the Transformational Tuesday event on September 26, 2023 or on your own time if you can't attend)
      • Completing the Discipline Identity activity (this can be done at the Transformational Tuesday event on October 31, 2023 or on your own time if you can't attend)
      • OPTIONALAttend an Academic Coaching session with the Academic Advising and Transfer Services Center (AATS)
      The Sharpening Your Claws badge, which entails:
      • Attending a Career Exploration meeting with SYE's Experiential Learning Coordinator, Robby Pearson, and uploading your exit ticket to the TLP course
      • Getting your Handshake profile to 75% completion
      • Crafting and upload a resume
      • OPTIONAL: Attending a career event on campus
â–¼   Do I have to pay to go on the Trek?
Hotel, travel, and meals for the Career Trek will be covered by the Second Year Experience program at 69Ìþ«Æ·. This is an all-expenses-paid trip for students, but you may pay out-of-pocket for any souvenirs or extra things you want on the trip.
â–¼   What attire and items should I bring on the Trek?

We will review professional attire in your Career Exploration meeting in preparation for the Career Trek. Additionally, you will be able to make an appointment with the Jaguar Clothes Closet in Career Development on campus if you are in need to professional attire. The Jaguar Clothes Closet provides attire free of charge based on inventory and availability.

You will be provided with an itinerary and packing list prior to the beginning of the trip. We will also provide you with a guide to professional attire to help you decide what clothing may be appropriate for professional settings both on the Career Trek and as you progress on your own professional journey.