
Team69Ìþ«Æ· Faculty: Sign Up Now for Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) Membership

Posted on May 16, 2017 by Team69Ìþ«Æ·

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There is still time to sign up for a Membership for a discounted institutional rate for our Team69Ìþ«Æ· faculty members that are interested! Special benefits of TBLC membership include access to a peer-reviewed module resource bank (with samples for a variety of disciplines), resources for designing and implementing TBL, and discounted conference registration. There are also useful resources for course planning available on the Team69Ìþ«Æ· Faculty project site in 69Ìþ«Æ·Online. If you are not on the Team69Ìþ«Æ· Faculty project site and would like to be added, please send us an email at teamusa@southalabama.edu

Several of our Team69Ìþ«Æ· Faculty are actively involved in the TBLC organization: Dr. Jennifer Styron, Program Chair Elect; Dr. Coral Gubler, Nominating Committee Member; Dr. Theresa Wright, Scholarship Committee Member; Mike Odom, Trainer-Consultant Program Participant. Recently certified as a TBLC Trainer-Consultant, our Team69Ìþ«Æ· Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Director Dr. Julie Estis is the elected Health Sciences Member-at-Large on the Steering Committee; she also serves on the Scholarship Committee, the Research Development Ad-Hoc Committee, and the Program Committee. 

For our Team69Ìþ«Æ· faculty members interested in becoming a member of the TBLC, our Team69Ìþ«Æ· QEP will cover a base institutional membership fee, and additional individuals will be added for $50. To simplify the process, we will compile names and information for those who would like to join under our institutional membership and pass that information on to the TBLC. Then, $50 will be transferred from individual faculty development funds to cover the cost of membership.

If you would like to sign up for TBLC membership ($50), please complete this brief . 

For more details and to stay informed about the latest Team69Ìþ«Æ· News, visit www.southalabama.edu/qep!

Please email Julie M. Estis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP if you have any additional questions. 

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